ALSC Sydney Meet - January 14th 2002

From George Kyling:

The meeting that was almost never was. The original plan was to travel south, however due o the bushfires in that direction a last minute change was made to head north. In all, 22 cars attended.  

The meeting place took place at the old Truck Weigh Station on the Pacific Hwy at Berowra. Cars started to arrive from 8:30am and some late comers arrive at 9:30am. That gave plenty of time to introduce ourselves. Most of the owners brought their families along (although some of the wives appear at first reluctant to get out of the cars.

As the morning wore on we headed to Gosford at 10:00am to a isolated car park under the highway where we had plenty of time to check out each others cars. A few noteworthy examples were Gavin Lo’s highly modified GT Twin Turbo with the beautiful yellow soft skin seats, Bob Webster’s TV conversion with VDO satnav and George Kyling’s slightly modified but certainly colourful engine.  

Lunch was at Terrigal where the local Fish & Chip was kept busy. We met a (may be the first?) lady Soarer owner Ludmilla who actually selected the model, imported and got it complied (with the help of friends in the business) herself. Ludmilla’s is a perfect example, all as new without a scratch or dent anywhere.  


From Terry Dean:

The Sun 13th of Jan 2002 saw a great turnout of Sydney Soarer owners, unfortunately we didn't get to go down South to Berri and to the winery due to Bushfires, so we decided to go North up to Gosford through the winding hills along the old Pacific Hwy.

We met at the old Trucking station outside Berowra Waters, cars started coming in from 8:30am, the freindly atmosphere was vibrant with a lot of information sharing already started, we hung around until 9:45am and then lined the cars up for a group photo and headed out on the Hwy. (see pics below) 



The drive was a showstopper for all the local towns folk and passers by with a total convoy of 22 soarers and 1 200sx, with the leaders of the pack driving probably more sensibly than some wanted, and if you looked in your rear view mirror you would see a lot of positions changing in the back rows (we deny everything).


Then Finally at the meeting spot saw a lot of info swapping, and new ideas and also helpful contacts being swapped. With the weather on the day perfect we decided to go further into Terrigal, for some lunch and showcasing all the cars in the main car park on the bluff, which seemed like a small car show for locals and tourists who all asked a lot of questions which made us feel like superstars....

The day slowly rapped up about 3pm with people slowly leaving one by one, which left just 3 of us for a quick squirt back to Sydney.

Looking forward to the next day out.


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